(800) 643-1825
Los Angeles Security Alarm Live Person Monitoring Burglar Alarm Services CCTV Security Camera Installation Technician
Serving the entire Los Angeles county area for live Person Monitoring to help deter criminals away from your home or business. Also providing security alarm services, security cameras and CCTV Installation
A live person virtual guard, also known as a remote guard, is a trained security officer who monitors security cameras remotely and can respond to security incidents in real time. The duties of a live person virtual guard can include:
Monitor security cameras: A live person virtual guard will monitor the cameras remotely to identify any potential security threats or suspicious activity. They will use the camera feeds to assess the situation and determine the appropriate response.
Respond to security incidents: If the virtual guard in Los Angeles identifies a security incident, such as a break-in or trespassing, they will initiate a response plan. This can include alerting on-site security personnel, contacting law enforcement, or using a loudspeaker to deter the perpetrator.
Maintain communication: A live-person virtual guard will maintain communication with on-site security personnel, law enforcement, and other relevant parties to ensure an effective response to any security incidents.
Provide visual verification: By monitoring the security cameras in real time, a virtual guard can provide visual verification of any possible incidents. This can help to prevent false alarms and ensure an appropriate response.
Conduct security checks: A virtual guard may also conduct periodic security checks, such as checking the perimeter of a property or verifying that doors and windows are properly secured.
Overall, the duties of a live person virtual guard are to provide remote security monitoring and response and to ensure a safe and secure environment for the property and its occupants. By using security cameras and remote monitoring technology, virtual guards can provide an effective and cost-efficient security solution for businesses and properties of all types.